
Sajtóközlemény a GOP-1.1.1-11-2012-0171 számú pályázatunk zárásáról

Végéhez ért az Advanced Network Technologies (ANT) vezetésével folyó „Lézer technológiájú kristály bontási eszközök fejlesztése” projekt. A fejlesztés a „GOP-1.1.1-11-2012-0171” pályázati konstrukció keretében jött létre.

If the money gushes

Dr. Bajcsi Péter és Tábor Viktor. Forradalmasítanák a fúrótisztítástAT THE GATES OF A BILLION-DOLLAR BUSINESS

A development can redefine the production technology of oil wells.

Laser for oil

 They expect the exploration of new oil stocks by the new Hungarian invention.

A Hungarian invention can make the economically not exploitable oil wells profitable – announced yesterday at a conference in Mórahalom. The essence of the invention is a powerful laser which can melt the subterranean rock, and it can be separated from the hydrocarbons or the underground water resources.  




Laser light of subsurface

Mórahalom – The Hungarian department of the Hydrogeologists’ International Association holds a 3-day conference in Mórahalom for the international hydrogeologist society to introduce them the regional application possibilities of geothermic energy.

Interview about laser development on Kossuth Radio

Between the 8th and 10th of May 2013 at the Hydrogeologists’ international conference was the debut of our subterranean laser drill technology under the name of ZerLux.
Kossuth Rádió interviewed some member of our team on 10th May 2013 about the above mentioned subject.
You can listen to it in the following post:


The Web Access Control won Award by Fujitsu

ANT Ltd. In 2012, received a prize with the "WebAccessControl" product by Fujitsu - at the international fee structure - fees are allocated to the Hungarian "Best Solution Innovator" award.

History of our partner meetings

It is a long lasting tradition to organize a partner meeting in every year, where we entertain our clients and everyone we work together with during the years.

The first user of WAC system is the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics’s Market Price Information System

Our firm has won the opportunity to protect the web based PÁIR of AKII (Market Price Information System of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics) system, which has the goal to collect and display online price information of domestic agricultural products.

Az ANT ismét elnyert egy EU fejlesztési támogatást

Az Advanced Network Technologies Műszaki, Szolgáltató, Termelési, Kereskedelmi és Fejlesztési Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság több mint 20 éve foglalkozik informatikával, azon belül is az internet technológiákkal és informatikai biztonsággal. Mára a hazai piac meghatározó IT hálózatbiztonsági cége lettünk.

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