
More and more companies realize that a lot of IT investments sinks and sources are not always settled in their expectations. This situation helps to "cloud...
Both international and domestic tendencies trend to companies primarily focus on their core business activites. Thus, the other serving activites are, in order to...
In every company's life, there is a point when a good friend is no longer enough for operating the IT systems. There is a point when solving problems like fire-...
Service has an especially important role in the company’s life since the foundation of ANT Ltd. Our technical colleagues with many years of experience are constantly...
Can not decide between the two manufacturers? We give you the opportunity for testing and trying you the products free of charge to make more informed decisions.
Our company is also associated with many software vendors, which can be found among the world's most innovative and most in demand products.
We know that computer, notebook, server or printer purchasing is just a nuisance. We trying to help our customers ...
We undertake small, medium and large sized computer and telephone networks complete construction, maintenance, operation, and expansion of existing networks, upgrading.
Virtualization: computing resources abstraction of the physical environment.
The issue of information security is now going beyond the IT infrastructure supporting data management. The key to maintaining the operability of information and...
Today, the man has become one of the most expensive production tool, and companies don't hold them in plenty. The external consultant is not only competence, but...
The IT is the supporting infrastructure of the business processes. You are satisfied with it, if the IT services can meet your business needs. Unfortunately, these are...
Our company has several R & D projects hosted. Our goal is to contribute to our company's activities in the development of the industry in order to meet the...
The centralized procurement within our institution delivered a large number of IT solutions, hardware products and high-level security services.
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