Information Security

CA Technologies


CA Technologies is known as one of the world’s biggest management-software company. Its solutions integrate and simplify the operation of large corporate IT environments. The company was founded by Charles B. Wang with three employees in 1976 in New York as Computer Associates International Inc., then was renamed for CA Inc. in 2004, and for CA Technologies in 2010. The Islandia (NY) based company has 13,600 employees and offices in more than 45 countries, including Hungary.

Széchenyi Merchant Bank

Our consultant department signed up a contract for long term cooperation with the Széchenyi Merchant Bank in January 2012. Based on this agreement ANT Kft. (Ltd) takes part in the IT development of the bank.



ANT Kft (Ltd) provides the firewall border safety of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics’ IT system. Our modular and application-level firewall gives a one-hundred percent safety for the most significant Agricultural basis of Hungary. Any incompetent access is impossible from outside by this system.

Our company gives special lessons made for expressly the colleagues of the Institue.

Hungarian Telecom

Our company has been the partner of Magyar Telekom for more than a decade.

Our function comprehend more fields in the informatical activity of Telekom.

Eötvös Lóránd University

During the cooperation with Eötvös Loránd University our company has supplied for the Institute a NetApp FAS 3040-es storage cluster which implemented the center data storage on a high availability. To date University improved the capacity of the cluster by 110 TB to be able to serve the continuously increasing demands and this way proved that the first choice was good. Improving in this case meant that an additional 6 shelf was built in next to the 7 which has worked before, from the time these were supplied in 2009. Now 182 HDDs operate in the cluster.

"Big Data" kockázat?

 Már vagy 3-4 éve kezdődött bennem a probléma megfogalmazódása.

Az Akkor onnan indult, hogy egy barátom felhívott, hogy valamiért kapott egy meghívót valamelyik közösségi portálra és ott Őt már mint ismert - rokonokkal, barátokkal stb. - felszerelkezett felhasználót köszöntötte ez az oldal.

Elgondolkozott ezen, felhívott, hogy beszéljünk erről kicsit.

Development of Information Security Management System


Information is the base of business operation. If its creation, storage, handling is not safe, our business processes and ultimately our operational ability can be under threats. Deliberated management of security is essential, it may be the source of competitive advantage.

Business continuity planning (BCP – DRP)


The operation of the company, and maintaining its prosperity greatly depend on the availability of business process supporting IT infrastructure. Of course, everyone strives for providing the operation of these systems, but we have to prepare for events when – as an effect of internal or external conditions – the regular workflow can not be maintained.

Risk Analysis


Can we prepare for unexpected events? Can we predict safety incidents? With absolute certainty we cannot, but revising IT environment can help to find those potential threats which will cause problems without intervention.

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