Risk Analysis
Can we prepare for unexpected events? Can we predict safety incidents? With absolute certainty we cannot, but revising IT environment can help to find those potential threats which will cause problems without intervention.
Fortunately we don’t have to deal with all of these hazards. There are some which have only hardly perceivable disruptions if they occur. Risk is a complex concept. It shows the connection between the probability of the threatening factor and the expected damages. Examining these, we are able to highlight which threats have to be taken seriously, and which can be handled later. This way, protection expenditures can be optimized with the highest level of security.
Risk Analysis Project overview:
Phases of implementation:
In case of fortunate circumstances there is a business impact analysis and data assessment before the risk analysis. If these are not available, we have to assess and evaluate our system components and data during the risk analysis project.
1. Survey
- Reconciliation of the evaluation criteria
- Survey of relevant resources
- Determination of relevant data sets
- Revealing threats
2. Evaluation, analysis
- Evaluation of system components and data
- Evaluation of threats
- Performing risk analysis
3. Risk management
- Development of measures
- Management of residual risk
Products of this process:
- Risk analysis report
- Risk management suggestions