Cloud computing

CA Technologies


CA Technologies is known as one of the world’s biggest management-software company. Its solutions integrate and simplify the operation of large corporate IT environments. The company was founded by Charles B. Wang with three employees in 1976 in New York as Computer Associates International Inc., then was renamed for CA Inc. in 2004, and for CA Technologies in 2010. The Islandia (NY) based company has 13,600 employees and offices in more than 45 countries, including Hungary.



The Microsoft Magyarország Kft. was founded as the Hungarian representative of the Microsoft Corporation in 1993 with only two employees. Now the number of employees almost reach 200, and the company became one of the determinative companies of the market. The Microsoft Magyarország won the ‘Best Workplace Award’ in 2003 and in 2006, the Best IT Workplace award in 2008, and became the third best among the large companies. In 2010 it won the ‘Best Workplace for Women 2009 Award’ on the tender of MNKSZ.



The Palo Alto based VMware Inc. was founded by Diane Greene, Dr. Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Dr. Edward Wang and Edouard Bugnion in 1998. As the guideline of innovation they set the goal to abstract he x86 operating systems and applications from the hardware resources. This abstraction provides more flexible use of resources, makes simpler operation and higher availability for the virtualized systems.

Short historical review, main milestones:


NetApp – earlier Network Appliance Inc. – is an IT and innovation enterprise founded by David Hitz, James Lau and Michael Malcolm in 1992. Its goal was to produce affordable network mass storage systems, which can help to decrease the IT relevant expenditures, CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operational expenditure) as well.

Nowadays it has become a market leader multinational company and has been introduced into the US Stock Exchange (NASDAQ: NTAP).

"Big Data" kockázat?

 Már vagy 3-4 éve kezdődött bennem a probléma megfogalmazódása.

Az Akkor onnan indult, hogy egy barátom felhívott, hogy valamiért kapott egy meghívót valamelyik közösségi portálra és ott Őt már mint ismert - rokonokkal, barátokkal stb. - felszerelkezett felhasználót köszöntötte ez az oldal.

Elgondolkozott ezen, felhívott, hogy beszéljünk erről kicsit.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)


We offer this service for those who do not want to bother with the hardware, nor the handling of platform-providing softwares.

The essence of the service is that – beyond the hardware infrastructure (IaaS) –, the operating systems, developer and server softwares, database manager and runtime environments are also parts of the service.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

The service is especially recommended for those who have computer systems that are intended to keep operating continuously, but the hardware and other basic infrastructure investment and the costs and problems associated with üzemeltetésükkel want to get rid of.

Hardware paltform

Our company is mainly for x86-based tools for IaaS services, but can we serve SPARC surfaces.

Cloud Computing

More and more companies realize that a lot of IT investments sinks and sources are not always settled in their expectations. This situation helps to "cloud computing."

The primary aim of this solution is to help lowering IT costs of any company while they can use the most up-to-date technologies to enhance the efficiency of their IT operations.

Our Cloud services:

- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

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