Cloud Development of Accreditation Processes and Center

Aim of the project:

To set out a solution comparing cloud applications by, which is unique in the market.

The cloud services are very diverse, providers use a variety of hardware and software solutions. The task is to compare thesefunctions, and produce the necessary know-how.

We are going to develop procedures which are able to compare cloud services with different hardwares and softwares, on the strength of the reliability, availability and terms of prices of them.

We are going to choose the proper cloud applications for the expectatnt clients of the service providers during the accreditation, and we are going to draw up the certificate which meets the needs of the cloud providers in their case.


Our partners in the project:

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Computer and Automation
Research Institute


 Óbuda University

 Details of the project:

Title of the project:
Launching the service for Cloud accrediation

Identification number:

Amount of grant:
350 960 404,- Financed by the Research and Technology Innovation Fund

Name of recipients:
- Advanced Network Technologies Ltd. (Leader of the consortium)
- Óbuda University
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences Computer and Automation Research Institute



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